Spokane Ranked 8th Friendliest Neighbors In United States

Spokane has the eighth friendliest neighbors in the United States.

Apparently we all live next to Ned Flanders from The Simpsons.

According to Neighbor, which is basically the Airbnb of storage companies, recently analyzed and compiled a list of the top 25 cities that pride themselves on looking out for each other, doing favors for one another, and generally acting like good neighbors in a traditional sense.

Here's the top 10 list:

  1. Augusta, Georgia
  2. Salt Lake City, Utah
  3. Columbia, South Carolina
  4. Lancaster, Pennsylvania
  5. Portland, Oregon
  6. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  7. Washington, D.C.
  8. Spokane, Washington
  9. Greenville, South Carolina
  10. Rochester, New York

The company ranked these cities based on metrics like volunteering, how often people do favors for friends, family, and their neighbors. Neighbor also surveyed people who were asked whether they felt safe, happy, and proud of their home communities.

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