Angela's Weekend in Five Photos

Picture #1 Say goodbye to the old Mini Van!

No better way to kick off the weekend then a small accident on the already - ready to go 2nd vehicle. We couldn't buy a new car until we bought a house, so I guess the world was in on this plan and put into action for us. I am pretty sure they will total it out since the damage is alot more than just that back window. GRR

Picture #2 I am so blind.

My family and I all struggle with bad eyesight and we haven't updated our prescription in way too long! We spend Saturday afternoon getting our eyes checked and then shopping for glasses. Come to find out I need progressives - no I am not old, I am just blind! 

Picture #3 - I love Almond Chicken!! 

Planned to watch the MMA fight at BWW but the wait was too long, Chinese food it is! YUM! You know this was the first time I tried Egg Foo Young?  

Picture 4 - So much cuteness!

WE GOT BUNNIES!! We added two new members to our family! The girls have been bugging me for years about getting bunnies and I was lucky enough to surprise them. They are adjusting well so far but this week we will have to slowly introduce them to the pups. They know something is up, they can tell there is a new smell on us and the girls have been spending alot of their time with the bunnies and my boston, Jazmyne is super jealous. 

Picture #5 - Dogs with costumes on :) 

Spent Sunday at my daughter's basketball tournament (everyone is mad because I forgot to take photos of her playing at Reece Court at EWU...OOPS). When we got home, the girls disappeared to take care of the bunz and I kept myself busy by finishing up chores for the weekend and trying the new dog costumes on my babies. LOL 

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