Spokane Public School's officially sent out their plan to return to school in the fall to parents. The plan includes smaller classes sizes to enable 6 ft. spacing between students, alternating class schedules for students in grades 5-12, and the option to enroll in full time distance learning if you do not feel comfortable with your student returning.
Here is the full text sent to parents:
Dear SPS Families,
July is quickly coming to a close and we know there are many questions about what school will look like in the fall. As we closely monitor health information from state and local officials, the safety of students and staff will continue to be the top priority as we prepare for the start of school. We look forward to reopening our school buildings and providing in-person instruction when it is determined safe to do so.
Critical conversations are currently taking place within state and local government agencies regarding when buildings should reopen. In preparation, we are developing detailed plans to address safety and support student learning, both for in-person and distance learning. This involves working closely with Spokane Education Association to address the factors impacted by these plans as we align with the safety guidelines required by the state and efforts to ensure the best possible experience for students given the circumstances.
Below is our current plan for in person learning if we are able to open school buildings:
Elementary students in grades K-4 will attend school every day of the week. Students in grades 5 and 6 will likely go to school on an alternating day schedule, to provide adequate spacing and class sizes that meet safety guidelines. Ability to access distance learning tools and the impact of childcare were key considerations for this decision. We are refining plans that address safety requirements for wearing masks and ensure plenty of time for outside play and activities.
Secondary students will go to school on an alternating day schedule, due to the larger enrollments at middle and high schools. Using an alternating day schedule will allow for proper social distancing and class sizes that accommodate the 6-foot distancing requirement.
Modifications to the learning plan will be offered to special education students and other student groups that require additional support.
Families not comfortable having their students return to in-person instruction will be able to register for a full distance learning option that can include instructor-led classes, project-based activities and social-emotional learning. We will have details about how to register in August.
If school buildings are unable to open and SPS needs to offer full distance learning for all students, a model is being developed that provides consistency and clarity for both students and families. Input received throughout the spring from families, students and staff has informed and helped focus us on the critical components needed for student success including a common platform, regular feedback, and real-time instruction.
We know you have questions. Join us during two upcoming webinars, as we talk about the work of the Safe School Reopening Task Force and our plans for both in-person and distance learning:
In-Person Learning: July 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Distance Learning: July 30 at 6:30 p.m.
With so much going on and situations changing rapidly, we want to be sure you have the most current information. We plan to send weekly emails to staff and families and will continue to provide updates online at spokaneschools.org/SafeStart.
Spokane Public Schools