Your teenage years can be exciting, but we know they can be just as stressful. In the same way we think about our physical health, we need to think about our mental health too. Included in this mental wellness toolkit is a wide range of resources to help you #BeWell.
To us, being well means putting our mental and physical health first. It means asking for help when we need it. It means saying something when we don’t feel ok. And it means learning how to cope, so that we can all realize our own potential. Come tell us in social media what being well means to you by using the hashtag #BeWell.
Self care
We know life can get super busy, and we have to make time to care for ourselves too, especially when feeling overwhelmed. Click here for some strategies to keep good care of yourself physically, mentally, and socially.
Coping with stress and anxiety
Some stress and anxiety is too be expected, but if it’s all starting to feel like just too much, take a look at these resources on managing stress and coping with anxiety.
A healthy social life
We all feel good when we’re around other people. Even though relationships are important part of our mental wellness, that doesn’t mean they can’t be stressful and frustrating themselves. Browse through these resources to find out how to deal with everything from arguments with friends and parents, to breakups and bullying.
We all have the right to decide if, when, and how anyone else gets to touch us. Read this for some important thoughts about consent.
We all need to be true to ourselves! And sometimes trying to figure out our own identity can be pretty hard. Follow this link to find a basic mental heath guide for LGBTQ+ youth.
Make your own mental health crisis kit
When things get tough, sometimes having a collection of comfy and encouraging items on hand can help us cope. Read this guide on making a crisis kit of your own.
Teen Line
Teen Line knows teens, and here you will find a number of great Teen Line resources on a range of topics, including eating disorders, dating violence, substance abuse, self-injury, and suicide prevention.
Myths versus facts
There are a lot of myths out there about mental illnesses, but the reality is mental health struggles are far more common and treatable than stigma makes them out to be, and people who struggle with mental health are just as productive as anyone else. Learn the real facts here.
Take a few minutes and watch one or both of these powerful videos.
First is "Alone," from Mid-Valley’s Suicide Coalition.
Next is Logic’s music video for "1-800-273-8255"
There are so many great podcasts all about mental health and wellness. Check out these podcasts if you want to learn more about mental health, if you’re looking for inspiration, or even if you just want to be entertained (there’s some pretty funny stuff on this list).
Getting help
If you need to talk to someone, there are people who want to listen. Reach out to one of the organizations below:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
And if you are in need of social resources, please look here.
Join the conversation about mental health online by using the hashtags #BeWell and #BeHeard.
Whatever you’re feeling, you’re not alone.